National Electronic Research Management System (NERMS) Training

The HSE National Electronic Research Management System (NERMS) is an online platform where researchers can apply for the approvals needed to conduct research in or with the HSE, in the first instance this system is in use in the Midlands Research Ethics Committee.
An initial series of training modules to support the NERMS registration and application process have been developed.
National Electronic Research Management System (NERMS) Overview (link to Video)
This video provides a brief overview of the National Electronic Research Management System (NERMS) and its function.
NERMS Researcher Registration and Portal Orientation (link to Video)
This video provides a clear and concise assistance for various NERMS end-users to navigate the NERMS registration process and set up their user accounts.
Research Ethics Committee Standard Application Form on NERMS (link to Video)
This video provides a clear and concise assistance to Researchers on starting and completing a Research Ethics Committee Standard Application Form to submission on NERMS.
REC Chair Portal Orientation (link to Video)
This video provides a clear and concise overview of their NERMS Portal’s functionalities and guides the Chair on how to review proposals, access meeting information and how to approve decision letters, amendments and reports.
REC Member Portal Orientation (link to Video)
This video provides REC Members with a clear understanding of how to navigate their NERMS Portal and how to use the various features to fulfil their responsibilities in the ethical review process.
Further Information
- Updates on the development and implementation of NERMS.
- If you would have any queries or need support please contact your REC Manager.