HSE Research and Development Publications

The Use of Research Evidence in the Health Service Executive (HSE) in Ireland – A Study with Senior Decision-Makers (2022)
The aim of this study was to examine the experiences and perceptions of evidence use among senior decision-makers in the HSE in Ireland, including perceived barriers and facilitators to using research evidence. For further information about the report please contact researchanddevelopment@hse.ie

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HSE National Policy for Consent in Health and Social Care Research (2023)
The policy aims to ensure that research is conducted safely, ethically and in compliance with legal regulations. It provides one overarching policy to guide healthcare services hosting research, particularly to those conducting research and to Research Ethics Committees approving research in the HSE and its funded organisations.

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HSE Roadmap for the Reform of Health and Social Care Research Ethics Committees (2022)
This roadmap outlines the development of six HSE Reference RECs, operating to a standard Code of Management and Governance
and with geographical cover aligned to the regional health areas as proposed in the Sláintecare action Plan.

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Standard Code of Governance and Management Required for HSE Reference Research Ethics Committees (2022)
The HSE National Framework for the Governance, Management and Support of Health Research was launched in 2021. The implementation of this framework will require both the reform of the HSE Research Ethics Committees and the development of capability for research governance, management, and support.

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HSE framework for the Governance, Management and Support of Research (2021)
This framework provides the foundation principles of governance and management of research activity for health services. It is required to enable appropriate and proportionate oversight of research activity and to ensure that the rights, dignity, safety and wellbeing of all those involved are protected.

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HSE Action Plan for Health Research 2019-2029 (December 2019)
This plan is a pragmatic roadmap to embed a culture of research, evidence based practice and innovation in the health service so that research becomes a critical enabler of health service delivery.

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Governance of Research in the HSE and HSE funded healthcare services. A Scoping Report (January 2019)
This report provides a high level review of the existing research governance arrangements for research in the HSE and HSE funded service and provides recommendations to address identified gaps.

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Research Activity in the HSE and its funded organisations (January 2019)
This report represents the first attempt to benchmark the research activity within the public health and social care services in Ireland.

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