Development of institutional capacity for research governance, management, and support services for research

Implementing the HSE National Framework for the Governance, Management, and Support (RGMS) for research will require the development of capacity for research governance. Therefore, such capacity will be developed within the health service at local, regional, and national levels. This will enable the clear separation of research ethical and institutional oversight responsibilities.

At the national level, this capability will be developed as part of National R&D. It will address the RGMS needs of national and corporate divisions.

At the regional level, new HSE Research offices will be set up for each of the new HSE Health Regions. These offices will have a key role in managing the research approval process for the HSE. They will work in collaboration with the relevant Research Ethics Committee and the host sites. They will also have a key role in coordinating the research taking place in multiple host sites.

At the local level, the RGMS capacity required depends on the levels of research activity. For example, a large academic teaching hospital hosting high volumes of research may require a dedicated resource. On the other hand, services with less research activity can be supported directly by the regional office.

The role of the HSE Health Region Research and Development Office

The HSE Health Region Research Office will complement the work of the HSE Reference Research Ethics Committee to provide full research oversight. The office will:

a) Have an important role in ensuring that research governance is risk proportionate

b) Coordinate the HSE data protection governance and contractual requirements within the region and with other regions

c) Support a coordinated approach to research governance with S38 hospitals for national studies or when the research involves multiple statutory and voluntary hospital sites.

The HSE National R&D Office is working with the RGMS Implementation Working Group to develop the HSE National Standard Code of Practice for the HSE Research Office.

The offices will operate under the oversight of the HSE Health Region Director of Research.

Where can I find more information?

An online information webinar about the vision to increase RGMS capacity in the HSE took place on the 2nd of December 2021. The webinar and presentation are available to view below.

image for webinar link Dec 2 2021
Presentation: Vision for the development of the RGMS functions in the HSE. 2nd December 2021.
Download PDF / 1 MB

Video of webinar: Vision for the development of the RGMS functions in the HSE. 2nd December 2021.
Open video in YouTube